In the event of a bubble or whole school closure, pupil lesson content will be set using Google Classroom. 

Pupils will also be able to communicate with their class teacher if they need any assistance along with communicating with peers to help maintain social & emotional wellbeing. 

To Access your child’s Home Learning work please log into Google using the links on this page. GSuite programs are available on all devices, so what every the device pupils have access to they can engage in their work. 

If more than one child is using the same device, we recommend that one always uses a private browsing window or a different browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge) to avoid any account conflicts. 

If you experience any issues please do not hesitate to contact the school and our I.T. department will do their best to assist you.

Below you can also find useful links to educational sites and alternative schemes of work.  

 Below are some home learning activities your child can access:

Learn a language for free
Finding facts & reading for pleasure
Free reading resources
Enjoy getting your kids moving
lots of free reading resources
Art and craft activities
Spelling frame – spelling practise
Daily and weekly lessons for all subjects
Feeling inquisitive videos
Science lessons and resources
New resources updated weekly - inspired by nature
Games for programmers
Listen to famous people read Harry Potter